Summit Zero

Understanding Poisonous Plants to Humans (Wilderness Survival Skills)

Ivy Plant Underwater (closeup)

Successful understanding of plants in a survival situation depends on positive identification. Knowing the most common poisonous plants to humans is as important a skill to your repertoire of survival skills as knowing edible plants.

Understanding Poisonous Plants to Humans Is Key in a Survival Situation

All About Poisonous Plants

It is to your benefit to learn as much about plants — both non-poisonous and poisonous — as possible. Many poisonous plants to humans look like their edible relatives or like other edible plants. For example, poison hemlock appears very similar to wild carrot.

Certain plants are safe to eat in certain seasons or stages of growth and poisonous in other stages. For example, the leaves of the pokeweed are edible when it first starts to grow, but it soon becomes poisonous.

You can eat some plants and their fruits only when they are ripe. For example, the ripe fruit of mayapple is edible, but all other parts and the green fruit are poisonous.

Some plants contain both edible and poisonous parts; potatoes and tomatoes are common plant foods, but their green parts are poisonous.

Some plants become toxic after wilting. For example, when the black cherry starts to wilt, hydrocyanic acid develops. Specific preparation methods make some plants edible that are poisonous raw. You can eat the thinly sliced and thoroughly dried corms (drying may take a year) of the jack-in-the-pulpit, but they are poisonous if not thoroughly dried.

Learn to identify and use plants before a survival situation. Some offline sources of information about poisonous plants to humans include pamphlets, books, films, nature trails, botanical gardens, local markets, and natives to the area. Gather and cross-reference information from as many of these as possible, because many sources will not contain all the information needed about poisonous plants to humans.

Poison Mushrooms in the Woods

Rules for Avoiding Poisonous Plants

Your best policy for survival is to be able to look at a plant and identify it with certainty and to know its uses or dangers. Many times this is not possible, however.

If you have little or no knowledge of the local vegetation, use the rules to select plants for the “Universal Edibility Test.” Remember, avoid:

How Plants Poison Humans

Generally, plants poison humans by one of three means:

Plant poisoning in humans ranges from minor irritation to death. A common question is, “How poisonous is this plant?”

As with all worthwhile questions in life, the short answer is: it depends. It is difficult to say how poisonous plants are because:

Some common misconceptions about poisonous plants are:

The key point here is that there is no one rule to aid in identifying poisonous plants to humans. Which is why you must make an effort to learn as much about them as possible.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis from plants will usually cause the most trouble in the field. The effects may be persistent, spread by scratching, and are particularly dangerous if there is contact in or around the eyes.

The principal toxin of these plants is usually an oil that gets on the skin upon contact with the plant. The oil can also get on equipment and then infect whoever touches the equipment. Never burn a contact poisonous plant because the smoke may be as harmful as the plant. There is a greater danger of being affected when overheated and sweating. The infection may be local or it may spread over the body.

Symptoms may take from a few hours to several days to appear. Signs and symptoms can include burning, reddening, itching, swelling, and blisters.

When you first contact the poisonous plants or the first symptoms appear, try to remove the oil by washing with soap and cold water. If water is not available, wipe your skin repeatedly with dirt or sand.

Do not use dirt if blisters have developed. The dirt may break open the blisters and leave the body open to infection. After you have removed the oil, dry the area. You can wash with a tannic acid solution and crush and rub jewelweed on the affected area to treat plant-caused rashes. You can make tannic acid from oak bark.

Common poisonous plants that cause contact dermatitis in humans are:

Ingestion Poisoning

Ingestion poisoning for humans can be very serious and could lead to death very quickly. Do not eat any plant unless you have positively identified it first. Keep a log of all plants eaten.

Signs and symptoms of ingestion poisoning can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, depressed heartbeat and respiration, headaches, hallucinations, dry mouth, unconsciousness, coma, and (obviously) death.

If you suspect plant poisoning, try to remove the poisonous material from the victim’s mouth and stomach as soon as possible. Induce vomiting by tickling the back of his throat or by giving him warm saltwater, if he is conscious. Dilute the poison by administering large quantities of water or milk, if he is conscious.

The following plants can cause ingestion poisoning if eaten:

For a complete guide to poisonous plants for humans, we highly recommend A Field Guide to Venomous Animals and Poisonous Plants: North America North of Mexico.

The Most Common Poisonous Plants to Humans

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